JavaScript RegExp \r Metacharacter
Search for a carriage return character in a string:
let text = "Visit W3Schools.\rLearn Javascript.";
let pattern = /\r/;
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The \r metacharacter matches carriage return characters.
Browser Support
is an ECMAScript1 (JavaScriopt 1997) feature.
It is supported in all browsers:
Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Safari | Opera | IE |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
new RegExp("\\r")
or simply:
Regular Expression Search Methods
In JavaScript, a regular expression text search, can be done with different methods.
With a pattern as a regular expression, these are the most common methods:
Example | Description |
text.match(pattern) | The String method match() | | The String method search() |
pattern.exec(text) | The RexExp method exec() |
pattern.test(text) | The RegExp method test() |